Location, Location, Location

I fear I may be spoiled. Having spent the day working at Spark Running and talking to people who are preparing for this coming weekend’s Baltimore Marathon or next weekend’s Marine Corps Marathon, it occurs to me that location is almost as important in our running lives as it is when buying a house.

We bought our house because of the schools, but a close second to that was the proximity to the B&A Trail and our ability to get in long runs without having to head out on a hunt for the best miles. Ten years later I find myself varying my route and searching out new running routes but I love that in a pinch I can just head out the door. Even better is knowing that any given weekend I can find a race within a short drive from my home. We live in a running town.

So, yes, I am spoiled. Do you live in a running town? Do you have specialty running stores? Trails within walking distance of your house? Races every weekend? Do you have roads that are friendly to runners? If not I am interested in hearing how you manage? Have you started a local running club? Have your organized a race in your area to encourage others?

Running is a huge part of our lives. Does your location change the way you think about your running life?