On The Books

“So, what do you have on the books for the year?” This is a question I have heard at least once a day since I started working at Spark Running. In the beginning there was an easy answer. “I am running the Marine Corps Marathon.” But the truth is, in my heart of hearts I knew I had not trained properly for that race. I went into the training season unprepared and between that, a new job and an injury my training was sporadic at best. But, truth be told, I haven’t trained well for anything since the Beach to Battleship Ironman.

If you have read this blog over the past two years, you know why. If you haven’t here’s the short version. First there was the post race blues. Then we discovered our daughter was struggling with a very serious depression. And finally, after months of not sleeping and barely eating, I ended up on the psych ward. To say it has been a tough couple of years is an understatement.

But, there really is no end in sight for our struggles. We continue to deal with depression and its aftermath every day. I can either keep using it as an excuse or I can learn to work around it. I am choosing to work around it.

So, I have signed up for some races and because I am tired of not being smart about my training I have decided to sign up with a series that will allow me to build my base before jumping into any real distances.

The Annapolis Strider’s Race Series includes 8 races, starting with a 5k in February and building to a metric marathon October. I have done this series several times and love the build. But I also love the fact that there is always a race to look forward to and that each of these races brings me in touch with people from our club.

Over the past few years our lives have revolved around hospitals and doctors appointments. There has been little time for friendship or camaraderie. The series brings these gifts back into my life.

Now when people come in and ask what’s next on my list, I have an answer I am proud of. I am training for the Annapolis Strider’s Series. I am building a base and moving towards bigger goals. At the end of the year I will do a marathon but this time I will be going into it with months of training and racing under my belt. This year I am preparing. This year I will make my comeback.